Bottom Line: Drums will not be allowed unless they are approved as part of one of the official supporters groups (currently the Casbah and the Ultras). Drums are going to be limited to a certain # of drums - still TBA (kinda strange that a big decision like this has not been made and opening day is this coming Saturday. Hello? I am also concerned that the Q's decision to physically join the Ultras and the Casbah into one section (Sec 109) to "unify the cheering and drumming" will backfire horribly. The Casbah has been in existence since 1996. My question to the Q's is,"Don't you think there is a reason why the current Ultras didn't just join the Casbah instead of starting a new supporters club? Hello? They are both great groups - but they are very different in culture. I see joining them together in the stands creating more chaos rather than an improved stadium environment. As H has said, it feels like we are being told when, how, and how much we should be cheering and making noise. Doesn't that sound like fun?
Do I keep my season tickets? A HUGE question to answer.
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