Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Quakes vs CD FAS - an international "too" friendly

The Quakes reserves took on El Salvadorian club champions CD FAS at the SB San Siro. H's friend, we'll just call her "El Salvador", was lets say - VERY enthusiastic and friendly. Yikes. We did our best to maintain good foreign relations (the US Ambassadors to El Salvador would have been proud!). Lesson: be careful with your drums at international football games - FAS FAS Fas-Fas-Fas, FAS FAS, Fas-Fas-Fas. We were literally stuck between Miss El Salvador - who was dancing (I guess you could call it that) up a storm for CD FAS and our friends to our left who were CD Aguila supporters (Go Eagles). There is nothing like "rubbing elbows" with those from another country.

(H - next time, please don't encourage them!)

We stayed away from a "latin" post-game meal tonight (we are still recovering from our El Salvador experience). We hit Yung Kee for a late night snack in Oakland Chinatown (Mongolian beef chow mein HK-style and won ton noodle soup w/roast duck)

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