Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hey little drummer's too LOUD!

Controversy in Section 108. At the Quakes recent home game vs the KC Wizards, my cousin H was at the game with his friend J. (Remember, I couldn't make the game because of the Cal gridiron game in Berkeley).

Anyways - H was approached by a female at the beginning of the game (pretty good start to this story wouldn't you say?). She asked him............if he wouldn't mind if she traded seats with him so that she would be sitting BEHIND the drumming instead of 2 rows in front of the "beautiful noise". I think this threw H for a loop at first. Huh? Our first formal percussion penalty? A red-card without warning? It is like asking someone to stop singing "Take be out to the ballgame" at a baseball game! Drums = Football Fans.

Well, after doing some in-depth research (a quick google on "Drums and football" - I found this discussion thread on the subject. Looks like DRUMS ARE IN. One of FIFA's mottos is "Fair Play". In part this means, "Don't discriminate against percussionists!!"

The statistically non-significant (but meaningful) results so far:

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